Sümegi Tamás írásai

Homage to Greatness

2015. május 14. 13:51 - sumegitamas

I know about it, it’s warmer than light,
And as beautiful as the wide riverside,
And from what I know, it’s only present
Where there is no time, where there is no end.

Where there is no joy, where there is no fear,
Where there is not even hope anywhere near,
So when your soul is as bare as a bone,
You find it, you only find it alone.

It is the earth and the skies in a glow,
Like the brothers they were a long time ago,
It’s the sun and the moon in that quiet fire,
Like the lovers they faithfully are.

It is a song muffled by war,
It is that peace that sustains it all,
But you always wanted it to be heard,
That you are a Man in this mighty world.

Szombathely felé a vonaton és Sorokmajorban, 2015. máj. 8-11.

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